Centos iptables
Centos iptables

Make sure to install a window manager in order to get a full-featured GUI desktop. You can use the command: yum install vnc to install the client if: rpm -q vnc shows that it is not already installed. If the server is not installed, install it with the command: yum install vnc-server The result will be either package vnc-server is not installed or something like 4. The server package is called 'vnc-server'. This HOWTO shows you how to configure VNC using the 'vncserver' service as supplied by CentOS. There are several ways to configure the vnc server. Your workstation ( Linux or Windows ) is only displaying a copy of the display ( real or virtual ) that is running on the remote machine. Unlike a remote X connection, the xserver is running on the remote computer, not on your local workstation. VNC is used to display an X windows session running on another computer. VNC-Server for an already logged in GUI console session - 2 options.

centos iptables

Recovery from a logout ( Not implemented for CentOS 6 ).Create xstartup scripts ( You may omit this step for CentOS 6 ).Confirm that the vncserver will start and stop cleanly.

Centos iptables